Photo party

    This assignment has been one of my favorite assignments throughout my time in any level of school. It started off kind of funky because I wasn't able to reserve a normal camera because they were all checked out and I really didn't want to use my phone. So instead I used the camera of a handheld video-recorder that also had the ability to snap photos. I really felt that alone connected with the idea of amateurism in "the medium is the massage". The quote that specifically connected was when Mcluhan wrote, "The amateur can afford to lose", this quote gave me the confidence to create the best looking photos I could with what I had. I knew I wasn't able to get super crisp quality, so instead I focused on being more experimental with the photos I took. In some instances I even pretended I was in the perspective of a bug with a stigmatism. 
    This project honestly has made me want to keep taking photos in the nature. I find it really peaceful and fun, especially when I find cool and weird environmental looking things (if that makes any sense).



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